Use the forms below to search for laboratories that will test honey for purity or economic adulteration.
Please note that companies providing Organic Certification may be found by searching "Organic Certification" under "Analytical Services Provided" below.
If you would like to fill out a request to have your lab listed on our site, click here to print out the application.
This list does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or guarantee, nor is it all-inclusive.
What Testing Methods are Used to Detect Honey Adulteration?
Ensuring honey authenticity is one of the great challenges facing the honey industry today. Over the past half-century, a number of honey testing methods have been developed to detect food fraud. Here is a link to frequently asked questions about the strengths of each testing method.
Tests Prove Most Honey Sold at Retail is Pure Honey
RQA, a global leader in providing quality assurance and food safety consultancy to the food and beverage industry, recently completed a honey purity survey. Detailed results can be found here.
Honey Testing Guidance from National Honey Packers and Dealers
To ensure that honey consumed in the United States is not adulterated and to promote voluntary compliance with widely adopted advanced testing methods that the FDA is currently evaluating, the NHPDA has announced its own honey adulteration best practices. Their recommendation is based on this experience, with input from leading honey-testing laboratories and in working with regulators. See the guidance here.