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Mexican Hot Chocolate Honey Mocha

YIELD: Makes 2 servings
3 fl. oz. - Spicy Honey Syrup
2 (double shot) - espresso
as needed - chocolate milk
as garnish - whipped cream
as garnish - cocoa nibs
For Spicy Honey Syrup:
8 fl. oz. - Honey Simple Syrup
1/4 tsp. - chili powder
1/8 tsp. - cloves, ground
1/8 tsp. - cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp. - cinnamon, ground
Combine Spicy Honey Syrup & espresso at the bottom of a glass mug.
Top with steamed chocolate milk.
Follow with whipped cream and cocoa nibs.
Spicy Honey Syrup:
Combine Honey Simple Syrup and all other ingredients in a bowl until fully integrated. Bottle and set aside for service.