Fear no Trick with these Homemade Treats for your Halloween!

Homemade Halloween Treat Honey Apples

Halloween is just around the corner and all the ghosts, ghouls, cowboys and princesses are coming out to play. Creativity is the name of the game with this holiday; a chance to let your imagination run wild with fun costume, décor and especially food ideas (gelatin brains, anyone?). While it may be quick and easy to just pick up a bag of candy at the grocery store around the corner, this could be the year that you get creative and make your own sweet treats, and honey is here to help!

Of course, honey is perfect for candy because it is sweet, but did you know that honey is also an all-natural energy booster? That’s right, and when honey is the star of your treat, you can feel good about supplying your neighborhood goblins with all the energy they need for a full night of trick-or treating.

In the past we have shared honey-inspired treats from our own recipe database. Well, this year we wanted to shake things up a bit, so we’ve scoured the inter-spider-webs (see what we did there? Muahahahaha!) and have returned with some of the tastiest, sweet honey treats for your Halloween festivities.

Reader bee-ware: these treats will vanish before your very eyes!

How about you? Do you have a favorite honey candy that you like to share this time of year? Do you make your own candy? We’d love to hear about your favorite candy recipes in the comments below!