Better-for-you is no longer a trend, it’s an expectation that consumers have — even in snack products. Sustained energy, unique flavor combinations and functionality are just a few of the demands consumers are placing on snack food in 2023, and honey is a familiar, all-natural sweetener that meets these needs.
What will drive the snack category in 2023? Here are the three trends that will drive snack food sales in the coming year.
1. Better-for-you. Bakery and Snacks said: “While snacking has long been associated with indulgence and fulfilling a guilty craving, a raft of new offers are popping up on the market that more closely align with consumers’ holistic wellness goals.” Honey is a better-for-you, all-natural sweetener that manufacturers are using as a benefit to consumers. And less is also more when it comes to honey; it’s sweeter than sugar, so developers can use less to achieve the same amount of sweetness
2. Energy. Sustained energy is a focus for 2023. Honey is a natural energy source that provides 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon. Foods with wholesome ingredients and functionality in the energy space — like honey — will meet consumer demands in the new year.
3. Mood food. Chatter about mood food is growing. Snack products that provide comfort, nostalgia or a familiar feeling have a powerful impact on consumer purchase. Honey’s familiarity — from a bear to the iconographic honey dipper to a delightful bee buzzing on packaging — can give consumers brand recognition and prompt them to grab what they know off store shelves.
We’re sweet on a number of new CPG snacking products that feature honey’s unique properties. We predict 2023 will be an even more remarkable year in this space, and this set of new products is only the beginning.