Earth Day is April 22nd and according to EarthDay.org, this year's theme is "Invest in Our Planet." While they are encouraging businesses, governments and citizens to invest in wider sustainable solutions around the world, this month we are sharing our easiest ways to make an impact in your own backyard by helping the honey bees that keep Earth buzzing. From learning more about the impact of their pollination work to planning your own pollinator garden and supporting beekeepers with your purchase of honey, join us as we celebrate honey bees and the planet they help sustain!
Learn About the Impact of Pollination
Spring is officially here and with Earth Day around the corner, this time of year serves as the perfect reminder of all that our friendly pollinators (and those who tend to them) contribute to our ecosystems and our planet as a whole. In fact, there are 90 different crops that are reliant on honey bees and beekeepers, making managed pollination an invaluable practice that ultimately puts food on dinner tables across the nation. Check out our Celebrating Beekeeping videos to learn more about the impact of honey bee pollination.
Plan Your Garden
April is National Lawn & Garden Month, which has us thinking all about our gardens and the pollinators that visit them. Just like us, it is important that pollinators have access to a varied diet of plants, pollen, and nectar. By planting a variety of flowering plants, you help our pollinators stay healthy and strong. To help you get started, we're digging into eight different regions of the U.S. and the best pollinator-friendly plants for your garden.
Another easy way to attract pollinators to your garden is to put out a bird bath made specifically for them. Simply fill a shallow bowl with water, rocks, sticks and/or cork for the bees to land on – and make sure to change out that water every couple of days.
Not into gardening (it’s not for everybody)? No problem – you can help the bees just in how you maintain your lawn. Those dandelions you see popping up - let them grow! You may not like them, but bees love them, and in many instances, they are the first source of food honey bees find coming out of winter. Reduce the use of pesticides to treat your lawn or garden while flowers are in bloom.
Buy Honey
Did you know that your purchase of honey, whether from a local beekeeper or your neighborhood grocery store, helps support the honey industry and the honey bees that make it all possible? We're often asked how people can help the bees, and the short answer is that continuing to buy and enjoy honey is the easiest way to help. This simple act helps to fund essential honey bee research and ensures that our little friends will keep on buzzing! Learn more about what your purchase of honey does here.
We want to hear from you - how are you celebrating Earth Day? Tell us your plans in the comments section below. Wishing everyone a happy Earth Day!