Photo Credit: Mary's Gone Crackers
From Crackers to “Kookies,” a fun brand expansion is a sweet way to keep consumers satisfied. Mary’s Gone Crackers is a popular brand that offers organic, gluten-free and non-GMO crackers. However, snacking opportunities don’t stop with the savory category. Consumers have a sweet tooth, and the company launched Mary’s Gone Kookies graham crackers to satisfy it.
Mary’s Gone Kookies’ three varieties — Honey, Chocolate and Cinnamon — are all sweetened with honey and inspired by the consumer trend of mixing a nostalgic favorite childhood treat — the graham cracker — with the flavor of a classic dessert — the cookie — into a brand new product.
In addition to making a sweet treat, Mary’s Gone Crackers also is committed to making a sweet difference and has partnered with the SAVE the BEE initiative to protect our favorite pollinator: the honey bee. We recently spoke with the sweet people at Mary’s Gone Kookies about the new graham cracker release, honey’s awesomeness, and SAVE the BEE’s sustainability mission.
Why did you decide to use honey as the sweetener in Mary's Gone Kookies?
Honey is a popular graham cracker flavor, and being a better-for-you, organic snack company, we wanted to use the real thing in our crackers.
How does honey add to the functionality and the flavor of each variety?
Honey provides a great balance of flavor – it’s the main ingredient in the Honey variety and enhances the cinnamon and chocolate flavors. Honey is slightly sweeter than sucrose, so a little goes a long way.
How does honey contribute to the consumer trend of permissible indulgence?
Honey is all-natural, which is something consumers can feel good about and what they seek. Consumers seek ingredients they can easily recognize. We believe honey is one of the most recognized sweeteners around.
Do you think honey is relatable to consumers, and why?
Honey has been in use for thousands of years — there is comfort in knowing it’s a proven food that has fed and nurtured so many generations before us. Honey has many benefits beyond being a natural sweetener.
Can you share more about the partnership with the SAVE the BEE initiative?
Mary’s Gone Crackers is passionate about making better-for-you food products that nourish the body and mind. It’s our mission to create lasting connections between people, quality products, and a healthier planet. Mary’s Gone Crackers knows that saving the bee is key to sustaining our planet.
For more information on Mary’s Gone Crackers, visit www.marysgonecrackers.com or follow them on Instagram or Twitter.