National Barbecue Month Kicks off Sweet Summer

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May marks the unofficial start to the summer season, and what better way to welcome warmer weather than with barbecue! May is National Barbecue Month, a time when consumers are choosing this dynamite flavor and savoring tantalizing aromas of smoky goodness, not only in their grilling, but also in their snacks. Although the spotlight deservedly shines on barbecue in May, there’s a sweet ingredient that deserves equal attention: honey.

In consumer packaged goods (CPG) — whether they’re barbecue sauce, honey-infused marinades, barbecue-flavored snacks, or some other innovative flavor combination — honey adds a touch of sweetness and depth. Honey pairs harmoniously with the smoky, savory flavors of barbecue seasoning in snacks, creating a perfect balance. Viscosity and caramelization properties make it an ideal ingredient for glazes, marinades and sauces.

The beauty of honey lies in its versatility, and CPG companies have embraced this attribute to craft an array of innovative products tailored for barbecue lovers. Let’s explore a few of our favorites in honor of National Barbecue Month:

Sweet Honey Japanese Barbecue Sauce, Bachan’s

Bring an Asian-inspired flavor with a craveworthy condiment that provides rich, warm honey notes to umami-filled sauce. Bold, fresh flavors of soy, ginger, garlic and green onion will elevate any barbecue and never fail to impress.

Photo Credit: Bachan's
Photo Credit: Rib Rack

Hot Honey BBQ Sauce, Rib Rack

Swicy lovers will appreciate the blend of honey and fiery chili peppers combined to create sweet and spicy barbecue perfection. Rib Rack crafted this sauce with care using only high-quality, no-junk ingredients and no artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.

Honey Buzz BBQ Sauce, The Barreled Bee

The savory, smoky flavor from the cardamon, cold brew coffee and cayenne give a layered and complex tasting experience. Honey aged in bourbon barrels gives a hint of bourbon caramel without being overly sweet, and tangy vinegar and citrus notes bring out the roasted tomato taste.

Photo Credit: The Barreled Bee
Photo Credit: Pipcorn

Upcycled Certified Honey BBQ Twists, Pipcorn

The better-for-you heirloom corn-snacking brand added Honey BBQ Twists to its product lineup. Classic honey barbecue flavor reflects a dedication to delicious barbecue snacking while remaining free from modern genetic modification.

Celebrating National Barbecue Month with a honey-sweetened sauce or snack? Let us know at [email protected].