Okie Dokie, Artichokie: Honey + Artichokes

Honeycomb Artichoke

It’s a phrase that many of us are familiar with – “Okie dokie, artichokie” – but despite what its casual tone may suggest, artichokes are so much more than just “okay.” In fact, this meaty vegetable – which, fun fact, is actually the bud of a flower that when left unharvested blooms into a beautiful thistle that provides nectar and pollen for honey bees and other pollinators – is a great option if you’re looking for a low-fat and low-calorie source of nutrients. Join us as we dive into the benefits of artichokes and share a few of our favorite honey + artichoke dishes.

When looking at the nutritional breakdown of artichokes, it appears that they could be considered the king of the garden. Clocking in at just 76 calories, 17 grams of carbohydrates, and zero cholesterol and fat1, this unblossomed flower packs a real punch – just check out the nutritional content of 1 large artichoke (162 g):

Excellent Source (20% + of Daily Value [DV]):

  • Copper (42% of DV)
  • Folate (28% of DV)
  • Magnesium (23% of DV)
  • Vitamin K (20% of DV)
  • Vitamin C (21% of DV)

Good Source (10 – 19% of Daily Value [DV]):

  • Manganese (18% of DV)
  • Potassium (13% of DV)
  • Phosphorus (12% of DV)
  • Iron (12% of DV)
  • Niacin (11% of DV)
  • Vitamin B5 (11% of DV)
  • Vitamin B6 (11% of DV)
  • Thiamin (10% of DV)

Now, we know we just threw a whole lot at you right there, but all these nutrients are why artichokes are such a beneficial element in a healthy diet. For example, if you’re looking to lower your cholesterol, the cynarin in artichokes can help you do that (and bonus – this phytochemical also helps your liver make bile, so it also aids in digestion). Speaking of your liver, artichokes are also a source of silymarin, which – another fun fact – was used by first-century Greek and European doctors to treat jaundice and other liver issues. Its nine grams of fiber will keep you full while providing five grams of protein (which according to the Cleveland Clinic is “surprisingly” high “for a plant”). If you’re looking to ward off cancer and other diseases, you can’t go wrong with adding a little of this mighty green veg to your plate as its natural antioxidants can help you fight off cancer-causing inflammation and free radicals1. High blood pressure? Artichoke’s 600 milligrams of potassium can help you out. And if you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, this could be the veggie for you! Containing more than 20% of the daily recommended intake of magnesium (approx. 100 milligrams), artichokes may help you sleep better, and even assist your heart in maintaining a healthy rhythm1. Talk about a power-packed bloom!

Of course, when it comes to good-for-you ingredients, two is better than one, and artichokes and honey form one formidable team! In addition to its natural energy and sweet flavor, honey packs its own nutritional punch, providing trace amounts of 7 vitamins, 11 minerals, 5 antioxidants, and 17 amino acids. And we’re taking all of them to the kitchen! The great thing about both honey and artichokes is their ability to span across mealtimes from breakfast to appetizers and plant-forward main dishes. If you’re in need of a little culinary inspiration, check out the four honey + artichoke recipes below.

We want to hear from you! What is YOUR favorite way to enjoy artichokes?


1 Clinic, C. (2024, March 13). 10 Health benefits of artichokes. Cleveland Clinic. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/artichoke-benefits

Reza Shabestari

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