National Honey Board Accepting Bee Research Pre-Proposals
Posted by National Honey Board on March 06, 2017
The National Honey Board (NHB) is currently requesting research pre-proposals for projects focused on honey bee colony production. The NHB is open to projects that find new methods of maintaining honey bee health, and those that combine current methods to increase efficacy rates.
For 2016 funding, the NHB is specifically looking for the following types of pre-proposals:
- Research leading to a practical control of Varro mite in commercial beekeeping operations.
- Follow-up research on a project which demonstrated a potential for practical application, but further study is advised. Special consideration will be given to research projects the NHB previously funded.
- An innovative research project that might not fit the vogue or current thinking, and therefore might not be considered for regular funding.
- Other projects will be considered and research outside the U.S. is possible.
Please submit a one page outline for the research project you are proposing to the NHB by July 24, 2015. This one page outline should include: the project title and principal researcher, objective or problem to be solved, proposed methodology, timeline and budget requirements. You will be notified by August 14, 2015 if your pre-proposal is approved by the NHB for further consideration. Then, you will be given an additional eight weeks to submit an in-depth research proposal.
The timeframe for projects being funded should generally not exceed 12 months. However, the NHB is open to larger, multi-year projects with the understanding that funding for subsequent years would be contingent on funding availability. The amount of funds available for a particular proposal will depend on the number and merit of proposals accepted. The NHB is anticipating approximately $350,000 in funding will be available for approved projects in 2016.
Pre-proposals must be received at the National Honey Board office by 5:00p.m. Mountain Time, July 24, 2015. Pre-proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Instructions on how to submit a research proposal may be found on the NHB website at
The National Honey Board (NHB) is an industry-funded agriculture promotion group that works to educate consumers about the benefits and uses for honey and honey products through research, marketing and promotional programs.
Name: Jessica Schindler
Phone: 303-776-2337
Email: [email protected]