Honey Labeling
The FDA has recently issued revised guidance on the Nutrition Facts Panel for Honey and other single-ingredient sweeteners. Here are three examples of how to properly label your honey under the new guidelines. A link to the full guidance from the FDA can be found here.

If you have any specific questions regarding your labels, they should be submitted via phone or online form to FDA's Food and Cosmetic Information Center (FCIC). The FCIC answers questions about nutrition and the safety and accurate labeling of food. Please note the FDA does not approve labels but are available to answer questions. More information about FDA's FCIC can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/fdas-food-and-cosmetics-information-center-answers-your-questions
Basic Labeling Requirements
Labels Must Communicate The Following:
The “Common” Name of the Product
The word “honey” must be visible on the label. The name of a plant or blossom may be used if it is the primary floral source for the honey. Honey must be labeled with its common or usual name on the front of your package. (i.e., “Honey” or “Clover Honey”)
Net Weight
The net weight of your product (excluding packaging), both in pounds/ounces and in metric weight (grams) must be included in the lower third of your front label panel in easy-to-read type (e.g., Net Wt. 16 oz. (454 g)). When determining net weight, use the government conversion factor of one ounce (oz.) = 28.3495 grams or 1 pound (lb.) = 453.592 grams. Round after making the calculation, not before. Use no more than three digits after the decimal point on the package. One may round down the final weight to avoid overstating the contents. When rounding, use typical mathematical rounding rules.
Single-ingredient products (such as honey) do not have to name that single ingredient when already used in the common or usual name on the front panel. However, if there are ingredients other than honey, you must list them in an ingredient statement. Some exceptions are spices, flavorings and incidental additives (additives that have no functional role and with minimal presence in the finished product), which have special rules.
The type size for ingredient listings must be no less than 1/16 of an inch as measured by the small letter “o” or by the large letter “O” if all caps are used in the declaration. There are exemptions that allow smaller type sizes for small packages.
Country of Origin
The NHB has created a guidance document on best practices for country-of-origin labeling (COOL) on packed honey. This guide provides a summary of the laws and regulations concerning, as well as examples of, labeling that complies with the spirit and intent of Federal requirements. Also included is a frequently asked questions section and links to find more information. Find the guide here.
Contact Information
The label must let consumers know who put the product on the market and how to contact that person. The name and the address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor of a packaged food product are required to appear on the label of the packaged food. This information, sometimes referred to as the “signature line,” must appear on the front label panel or the information panel. If space permits include a full address and telephone number. The information must be in a type size that is at least 1/16 of an inch tall.
Additional Resources
Current Laws Governing Products Labeled as Local
The National Honey Board (NHB) has commissioned a study to evaluate state laws and regulations regarding “local” marketing claims for honey in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Specifically, the report examines regulatory restrictions on the use of the term “local”. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of state-administered voluntary marketing programs but is meant as a demonstration of their availability. Find the white paper here.