The goal of our retail programs is to drive greater honey sales and usage by consumers while increasing awareness of the important work that honey bees do while producing honey. The retail channel is vital to honey sales and consumption, with the Hartman Group reporting that 77% of all eating occasions occurred at home in 2022 and the great majority of this food being sourced from retailers. A more recent study fielded by the Food Marketing Institute found that 87% of morning eating occasions and 76% of midday eating occasions were sourced from home.
We’re supporting the retail channel in 2024 with activities on three fronts. First, we will engage and educate retailers on opportunities to increase their honey category sales using Nielsen sales data overlaid with NHB shopper insights and recommendations. Secondly, the NHB will drive added awareness and sales during National Honey Month through a nationwide savings offer delivered via Ibotta and lastly, we will partner with a complementary CPG brand to implement a co-promotion centered around National Honey Month in September.
We measure and assess the impact of each retail activity that the NHB implements so that we can continuously learn and improve our programs. We utilize this information to increase honey purchase influencers over time, while simultaneously identifying best practices for promoting honey at retail.