Honey: Good for Me, Good for Bees, Good for the Planet
Every quarter, the National Honey Board will release a new series of videos designed to educate, inform and help the honey industry sell more honey. If you have an idea for a future Hive Session topic, email us.
Sauces, Dressings & Condiments Category Review
We’re spreading the news! Sauces, dressings and condiments are one of the biggest emerging categories in the food industry. Consumers are turning to honey-sweetened condiments to elevate ordinary meals. In fact, new product introductions with all-natural honey are outpacing new sauce introductions as a whole.
5 Things Food & Beverage Manufacturers Want from Their Honey Supplier
Whether you’re selling to a large or small company, there are a few questions about honey that you’ll be prepared to answer after listening to this Hive Session. Honey’s value, quality assurance and supply stability are just a few items we cover.
Using Pollination Messaging to Entice Food & Beverage Manufacturers
How can you use pollination messaging to compel food and beverage manufacturers to choose honey over other sweeteners? From cause marketing campaigns like Honey Saves Hives to facts about honey bees and pollination, these tips will better help you tell honey’s story.
Tech Talk: The Functional Reasons to Use Honey
Our take on the TED Talk focuses on honey’s usage in formulas due to its unparalleled functional properties. Acidity, moisture retention, mold inhibition, viscosity, emulsification and masking are just a few of honey’s advantages when developing new food and beverage products.
How Flavored Whiskey Drives Honey Sales
Pull up a bar stool and have a drink as we share why flavored whiskeys that have been around for decades have staying power. Honey is paramount in whiskey, contributing to the more recession proof category than general food and beverage. Once a niche product, honey whiskey is now a reliable segment for honey sales.